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FastAPI JSONAPI with Supabase Example

In this example, we'll create a simple FastAPI application that adheres to the JSON:API specification using PyJAS. We'll connect the API to a Supabase PostgreSQL database to handle data storage.


  • Python 3.10+
  • Supabase account and project
  • pip package manager


1. Install Dependencies

First, install the required Python packages:

pip install fastapi uvicorn pyjas asyncpg sqlalchemy supabase

2. Configure Supabase

Sign up for a Supabase account and create a new project. Note down the API URL and API Key from your Supabase project settings.

Create a table named articles with the following schema:

  • id: UUID (Primary Key)
  • title: Text
  • content: Text
  • created_at: Timestamp

3. Server-Side Code

Create a file named and add the following code:

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pyjas.v1_1 import Document, ResourceObject, JSONAPIObject
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import Optional, List
import uuid
import asyncpg
import os

# Configuration
DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL")  # e.g., "postgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname"

# Pydantic Models

class ArticleAttributes(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str

class Article(ResourceObject):
    type_: str = Field("articles", alias="type")
    id_: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="id")
    attributes: ArticleAttributes

# Initialize FastAPI
app = FastAPI()

# Database connection pool
async def startup():
    app.state.pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(DATABASE_URL)

async def shutdown():
    await app.state.pool.close()

# Create Article"/articles", response_model=Document)
async def create_article(document: Document):
    if not isinstance(, Article):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid data")
    article: Article =
    article_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    async with app.state.pool.acquire() as conn:
        await conn.execute(
            INSERT INTO articles(id, title, content, created_at)
            VALUES($1, $2, $3, NOW())
    article.id_ = article_id
    return Document(data=article)

# Get Article
@app.get("/articles/{article_id}", response_model=Document)
async def get_article(article_id: str):
    async with app.state.pool.acquire() as conn:
        row = await conn.fetchrow(
            "SELECT id, title, content FROM articles WHERE id = $1", article_id
        if not row:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Article not found")
        article = Article(
            attributes=ArticleAttributes(title=row["title"], content=row["content"])
        return Document(data=article)

# List Articles
@app.get("/articles", response_model=Document)
async def list_articles():
    async with app.state.pool.acquire() as conn:
        rows = await conn.fetch("SELECT id, title, content FROM articles")
        articles = [
                attributes=ArticleAttributes(title=row["title"], content=row["content"])
            for row in rows
        return Document(data=articles)

# Update Article
@app.patch("/articles/{article_id}", response_model=Document)
async def update_article(article_id: str, document: Document):
    if not isinstance(, Article):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid data")
    article: Article =
    async with app.state.pool.acquire() as conn:
        result = await conn.execute(
            UPDATE articles
            SET title = $1, content = $2
            WHERE id = $3
        if result == "UPDATE 0":
            raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Article not found")
    article.id_ = article_id
    return Document(data=article)

# Delete Article
@app.delete("/articles/{article_id}", response_model=Document)
async def delete_article(article_id: str):
    async with app.state.pool.acquire() as conn:
        result = await conn.execute(
            "DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = $1", article_id
        if result == "DELETE 0":
            raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Article not found")
    return Document(data=None)

# JSONAPI Object
@app.get("/jsonapi", response_model=JSONAPIObject)
async def get_jsonapi():
    return JSONAPIObject()

4. Run the Server

Set the SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL environment variable with your Supabase PostgreSQL connection string.

export SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname"

Start the FastAPI server using Uvicorn:

uvicorn main:app --reload

The API will be available at http://localhost:8000.

5. Client-Side Code

Here's an example of how to interact with the API using Python's requests library.

import requests
import json

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000"

# Create an Article
def create_article(title, content):
    article = {
        "data": {
            "type": "articles",
            "attributes": {
                "title": title,
                "content": content
    response ="{BASE_URL}/articles", json=article)
    return response.json()

# Get an Article
def get_article(article_id):
    response = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/articles/{article_id}")
    return response.json()

# List Articles
def list_articles():
    response = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/articles")
    return response.json()

# Update an Article
def update_article(article_id, title, content):
    article = {
        "data": {
            "type": "articles",
            "id": article_id,
            "attributes": {
                "title": title,
                "content": content
    response = requests.patch(f"{BASE_URL}/articles/{article_id}", json=article)
    return response.json()

# Delete an Article
def delete_article(article_id):
    response = requests.delete(f"{BASE_URL}/articles/{article_id}")
    return response.json()

# Example Usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a new article
    new_article = create_article("Hello World", "This is my first article.")
    print("Created Article:", json.dumps(new_article, indent=2))

    article_id = new_article['data']['id']

    # Get the created article
    article = get_article(article_id)
    print("Retrieved Article:", json.dumps(article, indent=2))

    # Update the article
    updated_article = update_article(article_id, "Hello World Updated", "Updated content.")
    print("Updated Article:", json.dumps(updated_article, indent=2))

    # List all articles
    articles = list_articles()
    print("All Articles:", json.dumps(articles, indent=2))

    # Delete the article
    delete_response = delete_article(article_id)
    print("Delete Response:", json.dumps(delete_response, indent=2))

6. Testing the API

You can use tools like Postman or HTTPie to test the API endpoints. Below are example curl commands:

  • Create an Article:

    curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/articles" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
    -d '{
        "data": {
            "type": "articles",
            "attributes": {
                "title": "Sample Article",
                "content": "This is a sample article."
  • Get an Article:

    curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/articles/{article_id}" \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json"
  • List Articles:

    curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/articles" \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json"
  • Update an Article:

    curl -X PATCH "http://localhost:8000/articles/{article_id}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
    -d '{
        "data": {
            "type": "articles",
            "id": "{article_id}",
            "attributes": {
                "title": "Updated Title",
                "content": "Updated content."
  • Delete an Article:

    curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8000/articles/{article_id}" \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json"


This example demonstrates how to build a JSON:API-compliant FastAPI application using PyJAS and Supabase. By following the JSON:API standards, you ensure that your API is consistent, maintainable, and easily consumable by various clients.

For more advanced usage and features, refer to the official documentation.