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API Reference


Content Type


Bases: Exception

Custom exception for accept header errors.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class AcceptHeaderError(Exception):
    """Custom exception for accept header errors."""



Class to handle content negotiation according to the JSON:API specification.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class ContentNegotiation:
    """Class to handle content negotiation according to the JSON:API specification."""

    def __init__(self, supported_extensions: list[str] | None = None):
        """Initialize with the list of supported extension URIs."""
        self.supported_extensions = set(supported_extensions or [])

    def validate_content_type_header(self, content_type_str: str) -> None:
        """Validate the Content-Type header of a request.

            ContentTypeError: If the Content-Type header is invalid.
            content_type = ContentType.parse(content_type_str)
        except ContentTypeError as e:
            raise ContentTypeError(f'Invalid Content-Type header: {e}')

        # Check for unsupported parameters
        unsupported_params = set(content_type.params.keys()) - ContentType.ALLOWED_PARAMS
        if unsupported_params:
            raise ContentTypeError(
                f"Invalid parameter(s) in Content-Type header: {', '.join(unsupported_params)}. "
                f"Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed."

        # Check for unsupported extensions
        if 'ext' in content_type.params:
            unsupported_exts = set(content_type.extensions) - self.supported_extensions
            if unsupported_exts:
                raise ContentTypeError(
                    f"Unsupported extension(s) in Content-Type header: {', '.join(unsupported_exts)}"

    def validate_accept_header(self, accept_header: str) -> None:
        """Validate the Accept header of a request.

            AcceptHeaderError: If the Accept header is invalid or not acceptable.
        # Parse the Accept header
        media_ranges = self._parse_accept_header(accept_header)
        jsonapi_media_types = [
            media_range for media_range in media_ranges if media_range['media_type'] == ContentType.MEDIA_TYPE

        # Remove media types with invalid parameters
        valid_media_types = []
        for media_range in jsonapi_media_types:
            params = media_range['params']
            invalid_params = set(params.keys()) - ContentType.ALLOWED_PARAMS
            if invalid_params:
                # Ignore this media type as per spec

        if not valid_media_types:
            raise AcceptHeaderError('No acceptable media types found in Accept header.')

        # Check for unsupported extensions
        all_exts_unsupported = True
        for media_range in valid_media_types:
            exts = media_range['params'].get('ext', [])
            if not exts or set(exts).issubset(self.supported_extensions):
                all_exts_unsupported = False

        if all_exts_unsupported:
            raise AcceptHeaderError('No acceptable media types found due to unsupported extensions.')

    def generate_vary_header(self) -> str:
        """Generate the Vary header.

            str: The Vary header value.
        return 'Accept'

    def _parse_accept_header(self, accept_header: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """Parse the Accept header into a list of media ranges.

            List[Dict[str, Any]]: List of media ranges with media_type, q, and params.
        media_ranges: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
        for media_range_str in accept_header.split(','):
            media_range_str = media_range_str.strip()
            if not media_range_str:
            # Split media type and parameters
            parts = [part.strip() for part in media_range_str.split(';') if part.strip()]
            media_type = parts[0]
            params = {}
            q = 1.0
            for param in parts[1:]:
                if '=' not in param:
                key, value = param.split('=', 1)
                key = key.strip()
                value = value.strip().strip('"')  # Remove quotes
                if key == 'q':
                        q = float(value)
                    except ValueError:
                        pass  # Ignore invalid q values
                    # Handle ext and profile parameters
                    if key in ContentType.ALLOWED_PARAMS:
                        uris = value.split()
                        params[key] = uris
            media_ranges.append({'media_type': media_type, 'q': q, 'params': params})

        # Sort by q value descending
        media_ranges.sort(key=lambda x: x['q'], reverse=True)  # mypy: ignore
        return media_ranges  # mypy: ignore


Initialize with the list of supported extension URIs.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def __init__(self, supported_extensions: list[str] | None = None):
    """Initialize with the list of supported extension URIs."""
    self.supported_extensions = set(supported_extensions or [])


Generate the Vary header.


Name Type Description
str str

The Vary header value.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def generate_vary_header(self) -> str:
    """Generate the Vary header.

        str: The Vary header value.
    return 'Accept'


Validate the Accept header of a request.


Type Description

If the Accept header is invalid or not acceptable.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_accept_header(self, accept_header: str) -> None:
    """Validate the Accept header of a request.

        AcceptHeaderError: If the Accept header is invalid or not acceptable.
    # Parse the Accept header
    media_ranges = self._parse_accept_header(accept_header)
    jsonapi_media_types = [
        media_range for media_range in media_ranges if media_range['media_type'] == ContentType.MEDIA_TYPE

    # Remove media types with invalid parameters
    valid_media_types = []
    for media_range in jsonapi_media_types:
        params = media_range['params']
        invalid_params = set(params.keys()) - ContentType.ALLOWED_PARAMS
        if invalid_params:
            # Ignore this media type as per spec

    if not valid_media_types:
        raise AcceptHeaderError('No acceptable media types found in Accept header.')

    # Check for unsupported extensions
    all_exts_unsupported = True
    for media_range in valid_media_types:
        exts = media_range['params'].get('ext', [])
        if not exts or set(exts).issubset(self.supported_extensions):
            all_exts_unsupported = False

    if all_exts_unsupported:
        raise AcceptHeaderError('No acceptable media types found due to unsupported extensions.')


Validate the Content-Type header of a request.


Type Description

If the Content-Type header is invalid.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_content_type_header(self, content_type_str: str) -> None:
    """Validate the Content-Type header of a request.

        ContentTypeError: If the Content-Type header is invalid.
        content_type = ContentType.parse(content_type_str)
    except ContentTypeError as e:
        raise ContentTypeError(f'Invalid Content-Type header: {e}')

    # Check for unsupported parameters
    unsupported_params = set(content_type.params.keys()) - ContentType.ALLOWED_PARAMS
    if unsupported_params:
        raise ContentTypeError(
            f"Invalid parameter(s) in Content-Type header: {', '.join(unsupported_params)}. "
            f"Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed."

    # Check for unsupported extensions
    if 'ext' in content_type.params:
        unsupported_exts = set(content_type.extensions) - self.supported_extensions
        if unsupported_exts:
            raise ContentTypeError(
                f"Unsupported extension(s) in Content-Type header: {', '.join(unsupported_exts)}"


Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class ContentType:
    MEDIA_TYPE = 'application/vnd.api+json'
    ALLOWED_PARAMS = {'ext', 'profile'}

    def __init__(self, media_type: str, params: dict[str, list[str]]):
        self.media_type = media_type
        self.params = params

    def parse(cls, content_type_str: str) -> 'ContentType':
        """Parse a content type string and return a ContentType instance."""
        # Split media type and parameters
        parts = [part.strip() for part in content_type_str.split(';') if part.strip()]
        if not parts:
            raise ContentTypeError('Content-Type header is empty.')

        media_type = parts[0]
        params = {}
        for param in parts[1:]:
            if '=' not in param:
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter format: '{param}'")
            key, value = param.split('=', 1)
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip().strip('"')  # Remove surrounding quotes

            if key not in cls.ALLOWED_PARAMS:
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter '{key}'. Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed.")

            # Split value by spaces to get list of URIs
            uris = value.split()
            # Validate URIs
            for uri in uris:
                if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                    raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in '{key}': '{uri}'")
            params[key] = uris

        return cls(media_type=media_type, params=params)

    def validate(self) -> None:
        """Validate the media type and parameters according to the JSON:API spec."""
        # Validate media type
        if self.media_type != self.MEDIA_TYPE:
            raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid media type '{self.media_type}'. Expected '{self.MEDIA_TYPE}'.")

        # Validate parameters
        for key in self.params.keys():
            if key not in self.ALLOWED_PARAMS:
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter '{key}'. Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed.")

        # Ensure parameter values are lists of URIs
        for key, uris in self.params.items():
            if not isinstance(uris, list):
                raise ContentTypeError(f"The value of '{key}' must be a list of URIs.")
            for uri in uris:
                if not self._is_valid_uri(uri):
                    raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in '{key}': '{uri}'")

    def _is_valid_uri(uri: str) -> bool:
        """Check if a string is a valid URI."""
        result = urlparse(uri)
        return all([result.scheme, result.netloc])

    def extensions(self) -> list[str]:
        """Return the list of extension URIs."""
        return self.params.get('ext', [])

    def profiles(self) -> list[str]:
        """Return the list of profile URIs."""
        return self.params.get('profile', [])

    def to_string(self) -> str:
        """Serialize the ContentType back to a string."""
        parts = [self.media_type]
        for key in sorted(self.params.keys()):
            # Join URIs with spaces
            value = ' '.join(self.params[key])
            # Surround value with quotes
        return '; '.join(parts)

    def create(
        extensions: list[str] | None = None,
        profiles: list[str] | None = None,
    ) -> 'ContentType':
        """Create a ContentType instance with the given extensions and profiles."""
        params = {}
        if extensions:
            for uri in extensions:
                if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                    raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in 'extensions': '{uri}'")
            params['ext'] = extensions
        if profiles:
            for uri in profiles:
                if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                    raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in 'profiles': '{uri}'")
            params['profile'] = profiles
        return cls(media_type=cls.MEDIA_TYPE, params=params)

extensions property

Return the list of extension URIs.

profiles property

Return the list of profile URIs.

create(extensions=None, profiles=None) classmethod

Create a ContentType instance with the given extensions and profiles.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def create(
    extensions: list[str] | None = None,
    profiles: list[str] | None = None,
) -> 'ContentType':
    """Create a ContentType instance with the given extensions and profiles."""
    params = {}
    if extensions:
        for uri in extensions:
            if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in 'extensions': '{uri}'")
        params['ext'] = extensions
    if profiles:
        for uri in profiles:
            if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in 'profiles': '{uri}'")
        params['profile'] = profiles
    return cls(media_type=cls.MEDIA_TYPE, params=params)

parse(content_type_str) classmethod

Parse a content type string and return a ContentType instance.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def parse(cls, content_type_str: str) -> 'ContentType':
    """Parse a content type string and return a ContentType instance."""
    # Split media type and parameters
    parts = [part.strip() for part in content_type_str.split(';') if part.strip()]
    if not parts:
        raise ContentTypeError('Content-Type header is empty.')

    media_type = parts[0]
    params = {}
    for param in parts[1:]:
        if '=' not in param:
            raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter format: '{param}'")
        key, value = param.split('=', 1)
        key = key.strip()
        value = value.strip().strip('"')  # Remove surrounding quotes

        if key not in cls.ALLOWED_PARAMS:
            raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter '{key}'. Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed.")

        # Split value by spaces to get list of URIs
        uris = value.split()
        # Validate URIs
        for uri in uris:
            if not cls._is_valid_uri(uri):
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in '{key}': '{uri}'")
        params[key] = uris

    return cls(media_type=media_type, params=params)


Serialize the ContentType back to a string.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def to_string(self) -> str:
    """Serialize the ContentType back to a string."""
    parts = [self.media_type]
    for key in sorted(self.params.keys()):
        # Join URIs with spaces
        value = ' '.join(self.params[key])
        # Surround value with quotes
    return '; '.join(parts)


Validate the media type and parameters according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate(self) -> None:
    """Validate the media type and parameters according to the JSON:API spec."""
    # Validate media type
    if self.media_type != self.MEDIA_TYPE:
        raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid media type '{self.media_type}'. Expected '{self.MEDIA_TYPE}'.")

    # Validate parameters
    for key in self.params.keys():
        if key not in self.ALLOWED_PARAMS:
            raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid parameter '{key}'. Only 'ext' and 'profile' are allowed.")

    # Ensure parameter values are lists of URIs
    for key, uris in self.params.items():
        if not isinstance(uris, list):
            raise ContentTypeError(f"The value of '{key}' must be a list of URIs.")
        for uri in uris:
            if not self._is_valid_uri(uri):
                raise ContentTypeError(f"Invalid URI in '{key}': '{uri}'")


Bases: Exception

Custom exception for content type errors.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class ContentTypeError(Exception):
    """Custom exception for content type errors."""


JSON API Reference

LinkValue = Union[str, LinkObject, None] module-attribute

LinkValue: a union type for link values in JSON:API documents.

Refer to for more information.

LinkValue can be one of the following types: - str: a string whose value is a URI-reference [RFC3986 Section 4.1] pointing to the link's target, - LinkObject: a LinkObject instance. - None: a null value if the link does not exist.


Bases: BaseModel

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class Document(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='allow')

    data: PrimaryData = None
    errors: list[Any] | None = None  # Error objects can be further defined
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None
    jsonapi: JSONAPIObject | None = None
    links: dict[str, LinkValue] | None = None
    included: list[ResourceObject] | None = None

    def validate_document(self) -> Document:
        """Validate the Document according to the JSON:API spec."""

        # 1. The members 'data' and 'errors' MUST NOT coexist in the same document.
        if is not None and self.errors is not None:
            raise ValueError("The members 'data' and 'errors' MUST NOT coexist in the same document.")

        # 2. A document MUST contain at least one of the following top-level members: data, errors, meta
        if is None and self.errors is None and self.meta is None and self.jsonapi is None:
            raise ValueError("A document MUST contain at least one of 'data', 'errors', 'meta', or 'jsonapi'.")

        # 3. If a document does not contain a top-level 'data' key, the 'included' member MUST NOT be present either.
        if is None and self.included is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "If a document does not contain a top-level 'data' key, the 'included' member MUST NOT be present."

        # 4. Validate extra members in the document
        extra_members = self.model_fields_set - set(self.model_fields.keys())
        if extra_members:
            for member_name in extra_members:

        # 5. Validate 'data' types according to the spec
        if is not None:
            valid_types = (ResourceObject, ResourceIdentifierObject)
            if isinstance(, list):
                if not all(isinstance(item, valid_types) for item in
                    raise TypeError(
                        "All items in 'data' must be 'ResourceObject' or 'ResourceIdentifierObject' instances."
            elif not isinstance(, valid_types):
                raise TypeError("'data' must be a 'ResourceObject', 'ResourceIdentifierObject', or a list of them.")

        # 6. Validate 'included' types
        if self.included is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.included, list):
                raise TypeError("'included' must be a list of 'ResourceObject' instances.")
            if not all(isinstance(item, ResourceObject) for item in self.included):
                raise TypeError("All items in 'included' must be 'ResourceObject' instances.")

            # 7. Ensure uniqueness in 'included' (no duplicates by type and id/lid)
            seen_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
            for resource in self.included:
                identifier = (resource.type_, resource.id_) if resource.id_ else (resource.type_, resource.lid)
                if identifier in seen_resources:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Duplicate resource in 'included': type='{resource.type_}', id='{resource.id_}' or lid='{resource.lid}'."  # noqa: E501

            # 8. Ensure all included resources are linked from primary data
            # Build a set of all reachable resource identifiers from 'data'
            reachable_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
            self._traverse_relationships(, reachable_resources)

            # Collect all included resource identifiers
            included_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
            for resource in self.included:
                identifier = (resource.type_, resource.id_) if resource.id_ else (resource.type_, resource.lid)

            # Check that all included resources are reachable
            unreachable = included_resources - reachable_resources
            if unreachable:
                raise ValueError(f'Included resources are not reachable from primary data: {unreachable}')

        # 9. Validate links if present
        if self.links:
            allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby'}
            for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
                if link_key not in allowed_links:
                    raise ValueError(f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in Document. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}.")
                if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
                if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")
                if isinstance(link_value, LinkObject):
                    link_value = LinkObject(**link_value.model_dump())  # Ensure LinkObject validation

        return self

    def _traverse_relationships(
        data: PrimaryData,
        reachable: set[tuple[str, str | None]],
        visited: set[tuple[str, str | None]] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Recursively traverse relationships to find all reachable resources."""
        if visited is None:
            visited = set()

        if data is None:

        resources: list[Any] = []
        if isinstance(data, list):
            resources = data
            resources = [data]

        for resource in resources:
            identifier = (resource.type_, resource.id_) if resource.id_ else (resource.type_, resource.lid)
            if identifier in visited:

            if isinstance(resource, ResourceObject) and resource.relationships:
                for rel in resource.relationships.values():
                        if isinstance(, list):
                            self._traverse_relationships(, reachable, visited)
                            self._traverse_relationships(, reachable, visited)


Validate the Document according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_document(self) -> Document:
    """Validate the Document according to the JSON:API spec."""

    # 1. The members 'data' and 'errors' MUST NOT coexist in the same document.
    if is not None and self.errors is not None:
        raise ValueError("The members 'data' and 'errors' MUST NOT coexist in the same document.")

    # 2. A document MUST contain at least one of the following top-level members: data, errors, meta
    if is None and self.errors is None and self.meta is None and self.jsonapi is None:
        raise ValueError("A document MUST contain at least one of 'data', 'errors', 'meta', or 'jsonapi'.")

    # 3. If a document does not contain a top-level 'data' key, the 'included' member MUST NOT be present either.
    if is None and self.included is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "If a document does not contain a top-level 'data' key, the 'included' member MUST NOT be present."

    # 4. Validate extra members in the document
    extra_members = self.model_fields_set - set(self.model_fields.keys())
    if extra_members:
        for member_name in extra_members:

    # 5. Validate 'data' types according to the spec
    if is not None:
        valid_types = (ResourceObject, ResourceIdentifierObject)
        if isinstance(, list):
            if not all(isinstance(item, valid_types) for item in
                raise TypeError(
                    "All items in 'data' must be 'ResourceObject' or 'ResourceIdentifierObject' instances."
        elif not isinstance(, valid_types):
            raise TypeError("'data' must be a 'ResourceObject', 'ResourceIdentifierObject', or a list of them.")

    # 6. Validate 'included' types
    if self.included is not None:
        if not isinstance(self.included, list):
            raise TypeError("'included' must be a list of 'ResourceObject' instances.")
        if not all(isinstance(item, ResourceObject) for item in self.included):
            raise TypeError("All items in 'included' must be 'ResourceObject' instances.")

        # 7. Ensure uniqueness in 'included' (no duplicates by type and id/lid)
        seen_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
        for resource in self.included:
            identifier = (resource.type_, resource.id_) if resource.id_ else (resource.type_, resource.lid)
            if identifier in seen_resources:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Duplicate resource in 'included': type='{resource.type_}', id='{resource.id_}' or lid='{resource.lid}'."  # noqa: E501

        # 8. Ensure all included resources are linked from primary data
        # Build a set of all reachable resource identifiers from 'data'
        reachable_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
        self._traverse_relationships(, reachable_resources)

        # Collect all included resource identifiers
        included_resources: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set()
        for resource in self.included:
            identifier = (resource.type_, resource.id_) if resource.id_ else (resource.type_, resource.lid)

        # Check that all included resources are reachable
        unreachable = included_resources - reachable_resources
        if unreachable:
            raise ValueError(f'Included resources are not reachable from primary data: {unreachable}')

    # 9. Validate links if present
    if self.links:
        allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby'}
        for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
            if link_key not in allowed_links:
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in Document. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}.")
            if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
            if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")
            if isinstance(link_value, LinkObject):
                link_value = LinkObject(**link_value.model_dump())  # Ensure LinkObject validation

    return self


Bases: BaseModel

JSONAPIObject enforces the JSON:API version in a JSON:API document.

Refer to for more information.

Required fields

version (str): The JSON:API version. Default is '1.1'.

Optional fields

meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the JSON:API document.


Type Description

ensure 'version' is one of the allowed JSON:API versions.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class JSONAPIObject(BaseModel):
    """JSONAPIObject enforces the JSON:API version in a JSON:API document.

    Refer to for more information.

    Required fields:
        version (str): The JSON:API version. Default is '1.1'.

    Optional fields:
        meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the JSON:API document.

        ValueError: ensure 'version' is one of the allowed JSON:API versions.

    version: str = '1.1'
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def must_have_correct_version(cls, v: str) -> Any:
        """Validate the 'version' field according to the JSON:API spec."""
        if v not in ALLOWED_JSONAPI_VERSIONS:
            raise ValueError(f"JSONAPI 'version' must be one of {ALLOWED_JSONAPI_VERSIONS}.")
        return v

must_have_correct_version(v) classmethod

Validate the 'version' field according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def must_have_correct_version(cls, v: str) -> Any:
    """Validate the 'version' field according to the JSON:API spec."""
        raise ValueError(f"JSONAPI 'version' must be one of {ALLOWED_JSONAPI_VERSIONS}.")
    return v


Bases: BaseModel

LinkObject enforces a link in a JSON:API document.

Refer to for more information.

Required fields

href (HttpUrl): The URL of the link.

Optional fields

rel (str): a string indicating the link's relation type. The string MUST be a valid link relation type. describedby (HttpUrl): a link to a description document (e.g. OpenAPI or JSON Schema) for the link target. title (str): a string which serves as a label for the destination of a link such that it can be used as a human-readable identifier (e.g., a menu entry). type (str): a string indicating the media type of the link's target. hreflang (str | list[str]): a string or an array of strings indicating the language(s) of the link's target. An array of strings indicates that the link's target is available in multiple languages. Each string MUST be a valid language tag [RFC5646]. meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the link.


Type Description

href and describedby are invalid URIs.


each hreflang language tag is valid according to RFC 5646.


ensure type and rel fields are strings, if present.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class LinkObject(BaseModel):
    """LinkObject enforces a link in a JSON:API document.

    Refer to for more information.

    Required fields:
        href (HttpUrl): The URL of the link.

    Optional fields:
        rel (str): a string indicating the link's relation type. The string MUST be a valid link relation type.
        describedby (HttpUrl): a link to a description document (e.g. OpenAPI or JSON Schema) for the link target.
        title (str): a string which serves as a label for the destination of a link such that it can be used as a
            human-readable identifier (e.g., a menu entry).
        type (str): a string indicating the media type of the link's target.
        hreflang (str | list[str]): a string or an array of strings indicating the language(s) of the link's target.
            An array of strings indicates that the link's target is available in multiple languages. Each string
            MUST be a valid language tag [RFC5646].
        meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the link.

        ValueError: href and describedby are invalid URIs.
        ValueError: each hreflang language tag is valid according to RFC 5646.
        ValueError: ensure type and rel fields are strings, if present.

    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='forbid')

    href: HttpUrl
    rel: NonEmptyStr | None = None
    describedby: HttpUrl | None = None
    title: NonEmptyStr | None = None
    type_: NonEmptyStr | None = Field(None, alias='type')
    hreflang: Annotated[list[NonEmptyStr], conlist(NonEmptyStr, min_length=1)] | NonEmptyStr | None = None
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def validate_link_object(self) -> LinkObject:
        """Validate the LinkObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
        # If 'rel' is present, ensure it's a valid relation type (simple string validation)
        if self.rel is not None and bool(self.rel):
            if not isinstance(self.rel, str):
                raise ValueError("'rel' must be a string indicating the link's relation type.")
            if not self.rel.isalnum():
                raise ValueError("'rel' must be a valid link relation type (alphanumeric characters only).")

        # hreflang: a string or an array of strings indicating the language(s) of the
        # link's target. An array of strings indicates that the link's target is available
        # in multiple languages. Each string MUST be a valid language tag [RFC5646].
        if self.hreflang is not None:
            if not bool(self.hreflang) and isinstance(self.hreflang, list | str):
                raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a non-empty string or a list of non-empty strings.")
            elif isinstance(self.hreflang, str) and not self._is_valid_language_tag(self.hreflang):
                raise ValueError(f"'hreflang' must be a valid language tag. Got: {self.hreflang}")
            elif isinstance(self.hreflang, list):
                if len(self.hreflang) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a non-empty list of language tags.")
                for lang in self.hreflang:
                    if not isinstance(lang, str):
                        raise ValueError(f"Each 'hreflang' entry must be a string. Got: {lang}")
                    if not self._is_valid_language_tag(lang):
                        raise ValueError(f"'hreflang' must be a valid language tag. Got: {lang}")
            elif not isinstance(self.hreflang, str | list):
                raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a string or a list of strings.")

        return self

    def _is_valid_language_tag(tag: str) -> bool:
        """Validate that the language tag conforms to RFC 5646.

        # Simple regex for basic language tags (not exhaustive)
        pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z]{2,4})?$')
        return bool(pattern.match(tag))

Validate the LinkObject according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_link_object(self) -> LinkObject:
    """Validate the LinkObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
    # If 'rel' is present, ensure it's a valid relation type (simple string validation)
    if self.rel is not None and bool(self.rel):
        if not isinstance(self.rel, str):
            raise ValueError("'rel' must be a string indicating the link's relation type.")
        if not self.rel.isalnum():
            raise ValueError("'rel' must be a valid link relation type (alphanumeric characters only).")

    # hreflang: a string or an array of strings indicating the language(s) of the
    # link's target. An array of strings indicates that the link's target is available
    # in multiple languages. Each string MUST be a valid language tag [RFC5646].
    if self.hreflang is not None:
        if not bool(self.hreflang) and isinstance(self.hreflang, list | str):
            raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a non-empty string or a list of non-empty strings.")
        elif isinstance(self.hreflang, str) and not self._is_valid_language_tag(self.hreflang):
            raise ValueError(f"'hreflang' must be a valid language tag. Got: {self.hreflang}")
        elif isinstance(self.hreflang, list):
            if len(self.hreflang) == 0:
                raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a non-empty list of language tags.")
            for lang in self.hreflang:
                if not isinstance(lang, str):
                    raise ValueError(f"Each 'hreflang' entry must be a string. Got: {lang}")
                if not self._is_valid_language_tag(lang):
                    raise ValueError(f"'hreflang' must be a valid language tag. Got: {lang}")
        elif not isinstance(self.hreflang, str | list):
            raise ValueError("'hreflang' must be a string or a list of strings.")

    return self


Bases: BaseModel

RelationshipObject enforces a relationship in a JSON:API document.

Refer to for more information.

Please note that extra members are allowed in the RelationshipObject.

Optional fields

links (dict): a links object containing links related to the resource. data (ResourceIdentifierObject | list[ResourceIdentifierObject]): resource linkage. meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the relationship.


Type Description

ensure at least one of 'links', 'data', or 'meta' is present.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class RelationshipObject(BaseModel):
    """RelationshipObject enforces a relationship in a JSON:API document.

    Refer to for more information.

    Please note that extra members are allowed in the RelationshipObject.

    Optional fields:
        links (dict): a links object containing links related to the resource.
        data (ResourceIdentifierObject | list[ResourceIdentifierObject]): resource linkage.
        meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the relationship.

        ValueError: ensure at least one of 'links', 'data', or 'meta' is present.

    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='allow')

    links: dict[str, LinkValue] | None = None
    data: ResourceIdentifierObject | list[ResourceIdentifierObject] | None = None
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def validate_relationship(self) -> RelationshipObject:
        """Validate the RelationshipObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
        if not self.links and not and not self.meta:
            raise ValueError("RelationshipObject must contain at least one of 'links', 'data', or 'meta'.")

        # Validate links if present
        if self.links:
            allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby'}
            for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
                if link_key not in allowed_links:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in RelationshipObject. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}."
                if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
                if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")

        # Validate data linkage
            if isinstance(, list):
                for item in
                    if not isinstance(item, ResourceIdentifierObject):
                        raise ValueError("All items in 'data' must be ResourceIdentifierObject instances.")
            elif not isinstance(, ResourceIdentifierObject):
                raise ValueError(
                    "'data' must be a ResourceIdentifierObject or a list of ResourceIdentifierObject instances."

        # Validate member names if extra members are present
        extra_members = self.model_fields_set - set(self.model_fields.keys())
        if extra_members:
            for member_name in extra_members:

        return self


Validate the RelationshipObject according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_relationship(self) -> RelationshipObject:
    """Validate the RelationshipObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
    if not self.links and not and not self.meta:
        raise ValueError("RelationshipObject must contain at least one of 'links', 'data', or 'meta'.")

    # Validate links if present
    if self.links:
        allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby'}
        for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
            if link_key not in allowed_links:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in RelationshipObject. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}."
            if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
            if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")

    # Validate data linkage
        if isinstance(, list):
            for item in
                if not isinstance(item, ResourceIdentifierObject):
                    raise ValueError("All items in 'data' must be ResourceIdentifierObject instances.")
        elif not isinstance(, ResourceIdentifierObject):
            raise ValueError(
                "'data' must be a ResourceIdentifierObject or a list of ResourceIdentifierObject instances."

    # Validate member names if extra members are present
    extra_members = self.model_fields_set - set(self.model_fields.keys())
    if extra_members:
        for member_name in extra_members:

    return self


Bases: BaseModel

ResourceIdentifierObject enforces a resource identifier in a JSON:API document.

Refer to for more information. Note that extra members are allowed in the ResourceIdentifierObject.

Required fields

type (NonEmptyStr): The type of the resource.

Optional fields

id (NonEmptyStr): The id of the resource. lid (NonEmptyStr): A locally unique identifier for the resource. meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the resource.


Type Description

ensure at least 'id' or 'lid' are present.


ensure 'type' is a string.


ensure 'id' and 'lid' are strings, if present.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class ResourceIdentifierObject(BaseModel):
    """ResourceIdentifierObject enforces a resource identifier in a JSON:API document.

    Refer to for more information.
    Note that extra members are allowed in the ResourceIdentifierObject.

    Required fields:
        type (NonEmptyStr): The type of the resource.

    Optional fields:
        id (NonEmptyStr): The id of the resource.
        lid (NonEmptyStr): A locally unique identifier for the resource.
        meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the resource.

        ValueError: ensure at least 'id' or 'lid' are present.
        ValueError: ensure 'type' is a string.
        ValueError: ensure 'id' and 'lid' are strings, if present.

    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='forbid')

    type_: NonEmptyStr = Field(..., alias='type')
    id_: NonEmptyStr | None = Field(None, alias='id')
    lid: NonEmptyStr | None = None
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def validate_id_or_lid(self) -> ResourceIdentifierObject:
        """Check that the ResourceIdentifierObject has either id or lid."""
        if not self.id_ and not self.lid:
            raise ValueError("ResourceIdentifierObject must have either 'id' or 'lid'.")

        # Ensure type_ is a string
        if not isinstance(self.type_, str) and not bool(self.type_):
            raise ValueError("'type' must be a string.")

        # Ensure id_ and lid, if present, are strings
        if self.id_ is not None and isinstance(self.id_, str) and not bool(self.id_):
            raise ValueError("'id' must be a string.")
        if self.lid is not None and isinstance(self.lid, str) and not bool(self.lid):
            raise ValueError("'lid' must be a string.")

        return self


Check that the ResourceIdentifierObject has either id or lid.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_id_or_lid(self) -> ResourceIdentifierObject:
    """Check that the ResourceIdentifierObject has either id or lid."""
    if not self.id_ and not self.lid:
        raise ValueError("ResourceIdentifierObject must have either 'id' or 'lid'.")

    # Ensure type_ is a string
    if not isinstance(self.type_, str) and not bool(self.type_):
        raise ValueError("'type' must be a string.")

    # Ensure id_ and lid, if present, are strings
    if self.id_ is not None and isinstance(self.id_, str) and not bool(self.id_):
        raise ValueError("'id' must be a string.")
    if self.lid is not None and isinstance(self.lid, str) and not bool(self.lid):
        raise ValueError("'lid' must be a string.")

    return self


Bases: BaseModel

ResourceObject enforces a resource object in a JSON:API document.

Refer to for more information. Note that extra members are not allowed in the ResourceObject.

Required fields

type (str): The type of the resource.

Optional fields

id (str): The id of the resource. lid (str): A locally unique identifier for the resource. attributes (dict): an attributes object representing some of the resource's data. relationships (dict): a relationships object describing relationships between the resource and other resources. links (dict): a links object containing links related to the resource. meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the resource.


Type Description

ensure 'type' is a string.


ensure either 'id' or 'lid' is present.


ensure 'id' or 'lid' are strings, if present.


ensure no field name conflicts between attributes and relationships.


ensure attribute keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'.


ensure relationship keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'.


ensure no foreign keys in attributes (e.g., 'author_id').


ensure all included resources are reachable from primary data.


ensure all included resources are unique.


ensure all included resources are linked from primary data.


ensure links are valid URIs.


ensure links are valid LinkObjects.


ensure links are valid keys ('self', 'related', 'describedby', 'pagination').


ensure 'lid' is unique within the document.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
class ResourceObject(BaseModel):
    """ResourceObject enforces a resource object in a JSON:API document.

    Refer to for more information.
    Note that extra members are not allowed in the ResourceObject.

    Required fields:
        type (str): The type of the resource.

    Optional fields:
        id (str): The id of the resource.
        lid (str): A locally unique identifier for the resource.
        attributes (dict): an attributes object representing some of the resource's data.
        relationships (dict): a relationships object describing relationships between the resource and other resources.
        links (dict): a links object containing links related to the resource.
        meta (dict): a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the resource.

        ValueError: ensure 'type' is a string.
        ValueError: ensure either 'id' or 'lid' is present.
        ValueError: ensure 'id' or 'lid' are strings, if present.
        ValueError: ensure no field name conflicts between attributes and relationships.
        ValueError: ensure attribute keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'.
        ValueError: ensure relationship keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'.
        ValueError: ensure no foreign keys in attributes (e.g., 'author_id').
        ValueError: ensure all included resources are reachable from primary data.
        ValueError: ensure all included resources are unique.
        ValueError: ensure all included resources are linked from primary data.
        ValueError: ensure links are valid URIs.
        ValueError: ensure links are valid LinkObjects.
        ValueError: ensure links are valid keys ('self', 'related', 'describedby', 'pagination').
        ValueError: ensure 'lid' is unique within the document.

    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='forbid')

    type_: NonEmptyStr = Field(..., alias='type')
    id_: NonEmptyStr | None = Field(None, alias='id')
    lid: NonEmptyStr | None = None
    attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None
    relationships: dict[str, RelationshipObject] | None = None
    links: dict[str, LinkValue] | None = None
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def validate_resource_object(self) -> ResourceObject:
        """Validate the ResourceObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
        # Ensure type_ is a string
        if not isinstance(self.type_, str) or not bool(self.type_):
            raise ValueError("'type' must be a string.")

        # Ensure id_ and lid, if present, are strings
        if self.id_ is not None and isinstance(self.id_, str) and not bool(self.id_):
            raise ValueError("'id' must be a string.")
        if self.lid is not None and isinstance(self.lid, str) and not bool(self.lid):
            raise ValueError("'lid' must be a string.")

        # Either id or lid must be present
        if (not self.id_ or not bool(self.id_)) and (not self.lid or not bool(self.lid)):
            raise ValueError("ResourceObject must have either 'id' or 'lid'.")

        # Ensure no field name conflicts
        if self.attributes and self.relationships:
            attribute_keys = set(self.attributes.keys())
            relationship_keys = set(self.relationships.keys())
            common_keys = attribute_keys.intersection(relationship_keys)
            reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
            conflicting_reserved_keys = common_keys.intersection(reserved_keys)
            if conflicting_reserved_keys:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Fields {conflicting_reserved_keys} are reserved and cannot be used as attribute or relationship names.'  # noqa: E501
            if common_keys:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Attribute and relationship names must not conflict. Conflicting names: {common_keys}'

        # Validate attributes
        if self.attributes:
            # Ensure attribute keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'
            reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
            attribute_keys = set(self.attributes.keys())
            if reserved_keys.intersection(attribute_keys):
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Attribute names {reserved_keys.intersection(attribute_keys)} are reserved and cannot be used.'

            # Enforce that attribute keys do not contain foreign keys (e.g., 'author_id')
            foreign_keys = {key for key in attribute_keys if key.endswith('_id')}
            if foreign_keys:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Attribute names {foreign_keys} are reserved for relationships and should not appear in attributes.'  # noqa: E501

        # Validate relationships
        if self.relationships:
            # Ensure relationship keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'
            reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
            relationship_keys = set(self.relationships.keys())
            if reserved_keys.intersection(relationship_keys):
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Relationship names {reserved_keys.intersection(relationship_keys)} are reserved and cannot be used.'  # noqa: E501

        # Validate links if present
        if self.links:
            allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby', 'pagination'}
            for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
                if link_key not in allowed_links:
                    raise ValueError(f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in ResourceObject. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}.")
                if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
                if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                    raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")
                if isinstance(link_value, LinkObject):
                    link_value = LinkObject(**link_value.dict())  # Ensure LinkObject validation

        return self

    def from_model(
        model: BaseModel,
        type_: str | None = None,
        id_: str | None = None,
        relationships: dict[str, RelationshipObject] | None = None,
        links: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
        meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
        lid_registry: dict[Any, str] | None = None,
    ) -> ResourceObject:
        """Create a ResourceObject from a Pydantic BaseModel instance."""

        if lid_registry is None:
            lid_registry = {}

        # Get 'id' and 'type' from the model if not provided
        if id_ is None and hasattr(model, 'id'):
            id_ = str(

        if type_ is None and hasattr(model, '__type__'):
            type_ = model.__type__

        if type_ is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Resource 'type' must be provided either as a parameter or via '__type__' attribute in the model."

        # Extract attributes from the model, excluding 'id' and 'type' if present
        exclude_fields = {'id', 'type'} if hasattr(model, 'type') else {'id'}
        attributes = model.model_dump(exclude=exclude_fields)

        # Generate or retrieve 'lid' if 'id' is not available
        lid = None
        if id_ is None:
            model_id = id(model)  # Use the unique id of the model instance
            if model_id in lid_registry:
                lid = lid_registry[model_id]
                # Generate a new 'lid' and store it in the registry
                lid = str(uuid.uuid4())
                lid_registry[model_id] = lid

        return cls(
            attributes=attributes if attributes else None,

from_model(model, type_=None, id_=None, relationships=None, links=None, meta=None, lid_registry=None) classmethod

Create a ResourceObject from a Pydantic BaseModel instance.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def from_model(
    model: BaseModel,
    type_: str | None = None,
    id_: str | None = None,
    relationships: dict[str, RelationshipObject] | None = None,
    links: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    lid_registry: dict[Any, str] | None = None,
) -> ResourceObject:
    """Create a ResourceObject from a Pydantic BaseModel instance."""

    if lid_registry is None:
        lid_registry = {}

    # Get 'id' and 'type' from the model if not provided
    if id_ is None and hasattr(model, 'id'):
        id_ = str(

    if type_ is None and hasattr(model, '__type__'):
        type_ = model.__type__

    if type_ is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Resource 'type' must be provided either as a parameter or via '__type__' attribute in the model."

    # Extract attributes from the model, excluding 'id' and 'type' if present
    exclude_fields = {'id', 'type'} if hasattr(model, 'type') else {'id'}
    attributes = model.model_dump(exclude=exclude_fields)

    # Generate or retrieve 'lid' if 'id' is not available
    lid = None
    if id_ is None:
        model_id = id(model)  # Use the unique id of the model instance
        if model_id in lid_registry:
            lid = lid_registry[model_id]
            # Generate a new 'lid' and store it in the registry
            lid = str(uuid.uuid4())
            lid_registry[model_id] = lid

    return cls(
        attributes=attributes if attributes else None,


Validate the ResourceObject according to the JSON:API spec.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_resource_object(self) -> ResourceObject:
    """Validate the ResourceObject according to the JSON:API spec."""
    # Ensure type_ is a string
    if not isinstance(self.type_, str) or not bool(self.type_):
        raise ValueError("'type' must be a string.")

    # Ensure id_ and lid, if present, are strings
    if self.id_ is not None and isinstance(self.id_, str) and not bool(self.id_):
        raise ValueError("'id' must be a string.")
    if self.lid is not None and isinstance(self.lid, str) and not bool(self.lid):
        raise ValueError("'lid' must be a string.")

    # Either id or lid must be present
    if (not self.id_ or not bool(self.id_)) and (not self.lid or not bool(self.lid)):
        raise ValueError("ResourceObject must have either 'id' or 'lid'.")

    # Ensure no field name conflicts
    if self.attributes and self.relationships:
        attribute_keys = set(self.attributes.keys())
        relationship_keys = set(self.relationships.keys())
        common_keys = attribute_keys.intersection(relationship_keys)
        reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
        conflicting_reserved_keys = common_keys.intersection(reserved_keys)
        if conflicting_reserved_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Fields {conflicting_reserved_keys} are reserved and cannot be used as attribute or relationship names.'  # noqa: E501
        if common_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Attribute and relationship names must not conflict. Conflicting names: {common_keys}'

    # Validate attributes
    if self.attributes:
        # Ensure attribute keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'
        reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
        attribute_keys = set(self.attributes.keys())
        if reserved_keys.intersection(attribute_keys):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Attribute names {reserved_keys.intersection(attribute_keys)} are reserved and cannot be used.'

        # Enforce that attribute keys do not contain foreign keys (e.g., 'author_id')
        foreign_keys = {key for key in attribute_keys if key.endswith('_id')}
        if foreign_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Attribute names {foreign_keys} are reserved for relationships and should not appear in attributes.'  # noqa: E501

    # Validate relationships
    if self.relationships:
        # Ensure relationship keys do not include 'type', 'id', 'lid'
        reserved_keys = {'type', 'id', 'lid'}
        relationship_keys = set(self.relationships.keys())
        if reserved_keys.intersection(relationship_keys):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Relationship names {reserved_keys.intersection(relationship_keys)} are reserved and cannot be used.'  # noqa: E501

    # Validate links if present
    if self.links:
        allowed_links = {'self', 'related', 'describedby', 'pagination'}
        for link_key, link_value in self.links.items():
            if link_key not in allowed_links:
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid link key '{link_key}' in ResourceObject. Allowed keys: {allowed_links}.")
            if link_value is not None and not isinstance(link_value, str | LinkObject):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a string URI, LinkObject, or null.")
            if isinstance(link_value, str) and not is_valid_uri(link_value):
                raise ValueError(f"Link '{link_key}' must be a valid URI-reference.")
            if isinstance(link_value, LinkObject):
                link_value = LinkObject(**link_value.dict())  # Ensure LinkObject validation

    return self


Validates a JSON:API member name according to the specification rules.

Refer to for more information.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The member name to validate.



Type Description

If the member name does not comply with the rules.

Source code in pyjas/v1_1/
def validate_member_name(name: str) -> None:
    """Validates a JSON:API member name according to the specification rules.

    Refer to for more information.

        name (str): The member name to validate.

        ValueError: If the member name does not comply with the rules.
    if not isinstance(name, str):
        raise ValueError('Member name must be a string.')

    if len(name) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Member name must contain at least one character.')

    # Reserved characters (must not be present)
    reserved_characters = set(
    )  # 'DEL' represents U+007F
    # Note: 'DEL' is non-printable; in practice, it's handled by character ranges.

    # Define allowed characters using regex
    # Globally allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and U+0080+
    # Internal allowed: -, _, space
    # Extension members start with namespace followed by colon

    # Regex patterns
    # Pattern for the core allowed characters (excluding @-Members and extension members)
    core_pattern = r'^[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF](?:[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF\-_\ ]*[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF])?$'

    # Pattern for @-Members
    at_member_pattern = r'^@[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF](?:[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF\-_\ ]*[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF])?$'

    # Pattern for Extension Members (namespace:member)
    extension_pattern = r'^[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF]+:[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF](?:[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF\-_\ ]*[A-Za-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF])?$'  # noqa: E501

    if re.match(core_pattern, name):
        pass  # Valid core member name
    elif re.match(at_member_pattern, name):
        pass  # Valid @-Member
    elif re.match(extension_pattern, name):
        pass  # Valid Extension Member
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid member name '{name}' according to JSON:API specification.")

    # Check for reserved characters
    for char in name:
        if char in reserved_characters:
            raise ValueError(f"Member name '{name}' contains reserved character '{char}' which is not allowed.")